Fundraiser for New Kindness Card Technology

We hired a software developer to create a brand new technology that will be integrated with all future Kindness Cards. This technology will enable Kindness Card recipients to scan a QR code located on the Kindness Card (or visit the corresponding link). They will then be prompted to share details about where they received the Kindness Card and the impact it had on them. These details are then automatically uploaded to our website where a global and interactive map is generated which shows the journey each Kindness Card has taken in the world and the people it impacts along the way.

With your help we have received $25 of our $2,000 goal. As an incentive for donating, we are excited to offer the following perks!

  • A donation of $5 or more will grant you updates. You will be notified as milestones are achieved in the development of our new Kindness Card technology.
  • A donation of $20 or more will grant you early access to purchasing Kindness Cards with the new technology (a full 7 days before they hit public on-sale).
  • A donation of $100 or more will guarantee that you receive a gift of 100 new Kindness Cards that feature the new technology.

About Us

We are a nonprofit organization that aspires to normalize kindness in our culture, and create a community around this ideal. We envision a world where kind words and gestures between strangers are as commonplace as a handshake.

One way we do that is by promoting the act of giving Kindness Cards - small cards with art on one side and kind words handwritten on the other. We give out these cards as an organization and in our personal lives. Our main goal, however, is to help other people integrate this practice into their lives.

We provide pre-made blank Kindness Cards, which are ready to be written out, on a pay-what-you-can basis. We also have a ton of advice to help guide you through the social activity of handing these cards to friends, family, and even strangers (friends not yet made). We even have a list of example phrases to help get you started.

Kindness Cards are a simple, but effective, way to spread kindness on a regular basis; and we have found this can be extraordinarily powerful. It not only uplifts the people around you, but it will enrich your life in ways you may be unable to imagine.

Our hope is to instill in others the realization that kindness costs you nothing, but can be worth everything to someone else. A kind word, at the right time, holds the potential to uplift someone’s day, shift their perspective and even change their life. With every person you encounter there is an opportunity to reach through the barriers which isolate us, touch them with your positivity, and show them that we are all truly connected.

Connected Through Compassion.

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